Ties of Protection and Safe Keeping is an interactive braid sculptures that asks the question "What is worth protecting?" Guth is asking people to write a response to this question on a piece of fabric that will be woven into an ever groing braid. Guth's project will be travelling to several cities across the US before it reaches its final destination as part of the Whitney Biennial in March.
You can participate with the project too by adding your response before March 18th to this website and Guth will add it to the braid.

For the 2008 Whitney Biennial MK Guth creates an interactive sculpture engaging the audience in an exchanged based experience. The sculpture will be a large Rapunzel like braid that will be made with the help of the gallery and public audience. Participants will be asked a question and requested to write their response on a piece of flannel fabric that will be woven into an ever growing braid.
What is Worth Protecting?
This question connects to the history of the final destination of the braid project—The Park Avenue Armory in NYC. In this work Guth collides one mythic metaphor into another constructing a site where the opposition between viewing and action becomes blurred.
The project starts at the Portland Armory building (Portland Center Stage in the Gerding Theater ) and will then travel to several different cities across the United States. With each stop audience members will be asked the same question and their response will be added to the braid continually extending the size of the object. After the Braid arrives at the Park Avenue Armory in NYC the performative aspect of the project will continue for 10 days after which the competed work will be left and woven through the Silver Room Library through out the duration of the exhibition.
The Park Avenue Armory is the second site for the 2008 Whitney Biennial and will be the location for many of the sound based, event based, and interactive based works.